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tiktok military guy

Tiktok Military Guy - A female US soldier has protested the duplicity of the military in a TikTok video.

Belen Martinez, on the app @baleficent1, works in the US Army and shared a clip of herself and four military colleagues.

Tiktok Military Guy

Tiktok Military Guy

The image shows three women who are considered "fat" according to the US military's body composition standards, which combine height and weight to determine body fat.

I Hear You Like Military Guys, Here's My Application”

Martinez then moves the camera to her older male co-star, who she says "overcomes the height and weight."

According to, military women are considered overweight or obese compared to military men.

"Estimation of body fat does not act as a safety net for muscular or postpartum women as it does for our male counterparts," the release states.

TikTok called it the "Army Standard" and it has since garnered over 2 million views and thousands of comments from women who have had similar experiences.

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"My mom used to do army drills where female athletes were disqualified, while men with beer bellies advanced," one person wrote.

"I've seen women go 48 hours without water and spit out super to meet military weight requirements," said another.

Martinez revealed in another video that he weighed 72 kg (160 lb), but was still considered "fat" by military standards.

Tiktok Military Guy

"I feel you," another woman commented. "I've had an eating disorder since I joined the corps and it's really hard." Hint: Press 'i' for image gallery, 'v' for video gallery or 'r' for random entry.

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Tiktok Military Guy

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Skull Face Army Guy / Skull Trooper Irl

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