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military attorney salary

Military Attorney Salary - When the military must deal with domestic legal matters, it turns to a specially trained group of lawyers called the Judge Advocate General's Corps. Each service department has its own lawyers covering practice areas such as environmental law, criminal matters and international law. The total basic pay for these posts is the same across branches. Compared to the average salaries of private lawyers, the salaries of JAG officers are generally below average. However, as members of the military, members receive an impressive benefits package that should not be overlooked.

Marine JAG members have the lowest starting pay. They were appointed as 2nd lieutenants, with an annual salary of over 30. This salary increases to the mid-40s when promoted to 1st lieutenant after one year of service. The highest starting salary is earned by Army JAG officers, with an annual salary of $44,000 per year at the rank of captain. Most Army attorneys stay at the rank of captain throughout their careers. Salary for this rank was $72,000 per year after 14 years of service. All other branches typically start at $40,000 per year, and careers and salaries in all branches increase with years of service.

Military Attorney Salary

Military Attorney Salary

When JAG officers choose to live in private housing instead of military housing, they are given housing subsidies to supplement their basic pay and meet their daily needs. These benefits are tax-free and, when combined with base pay, can increase an officer's take-home pay by $20,000 a year.

How Much Do Lawyers Make? Average Lawyer Salaries

JAG employees have a long list of benefits. JAG attorneys are provided with free health and dental insurance, life insurance and excellent retirement packages. In addition, many military benefits, such as access to a commission and low-cost travel, also increase the salary of a military attorney. These officers may also be eligible for tuition fees, increasing the value of their annual salary.

The median salary for a private practice attorney in 2021 was $126,930, ranging from $61,490 at the bottom to $208,000 at the top. By comparison, the average salary for a JAG employee is $65,000 per year. Although military attorneys earn significantly less than their civilian counterparts, the array of military pay, benefits, and benefits still make them a worthy career choice.

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Erica Winston is a Washington, D.C.-based writer with over 15 years of writing experience. His articles have appeared in magazines such as Imara, Corporate Colors E-zine, and Enterprise Virginia. He holds a Juris Doctor from Regent University and a Masters in Public Policy from New England College. No matter what branch of the US Armed Forces you join, you will encounter JAGs (Judge Advocate General's Corps). JAGs, made famous by the popular 90s military drama, are not ordinary military lawyers in plain language, but lawyers in the highest dress. They play a very important role for the US military because troops are bound not only by the laws of the United States, but also by many other laws, including international law, the laws of foreign countries, and of course the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). If you want to serve your country and pursue a career in law, we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know about military attorney salaries and requirements to help your career.

Average Lawyer Salaries

Salary is one of the most important questions when it comes to Judge Advocate General FAQs. To understand how a military attorney's salary is determined, you need to understand how military pay scales work.

Your pay is based on your rank and length of service. This means that people can earn different salaries for the same job because titles can vary from branch to branch, which is what military lawyers do.

Each branch has a unique but similar salary for the JAG role. Taking into account the basic salary of each branch, it looks like this:

Military Attorney Salary

These are rough estimates of what you can expect your base salary to be, but again, there are variables and considerations when calculating your salary. For example:

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When comparing the salary of a military attorney to the national average salary of a civilian attorney in the United States, which is $98,063, there is a significant difference between the two.

However, whether you are a military lawyer or serving in any capacity, there are many other benefits, from monetary to intangible, to practicing law for the US military:

If you want to pursue a career in military law, you'll need to know what it takes to get there. In addition to serving your country, you have a responsibility to the practice of law that most people don't.

There are several steps in the process. Here's what you need to know about becoming a military attorney:

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Military Attorney Salary

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